An organic essential oil, unlike a conventional one, is a guarantee of quality which attests to the fact that the aromatic plant, flower, vegetable or shrub has been grown on healthy soil devoid of pesticides and other phytosanitary products. The plants used for the production of organic essential oils are subject to the vagaries of nature. For these plants which will be used for the distillation of organic essential oils, the use of chemical fertilizers and other chemical substances is strictly prohibited. Organic cultivation in the context of aromatherapy must meet ambitious and demanding specifications, which are enacted and certified by an independent organization. On the labels of the bottles appears the acronym referring to the plant used, the most famous labels are those of Organic Agriculture Europe (AB) or the Cosmébio label for cosmetic organic essential oils.
How are organic essential oils extracted?
The technique that is spreading is that of steam distillation. The process is simple: water vapor is propelled into a still that contains the plant you want to extract to harvest the substrate: the organic essential oil. By making a journey through the plants, the water vapor is full of active ingredients. The vapor thus loaded is directed into a refrigerated tube, which then forms fine droplets which are received in a container. The collected liquid reveals the organic essential oil on the surface (it rises due to its low density compared to water). The liquid remaining below will be used to make floral water (hydrolat). The other method used to extract citrus fruits (Bergamot, Orange, Yuzu, etc.) lies in pressing the zest mechanically and cold. Organic absolute oils are extracted by another technique: hot enfleurage and cold enfleurage (consists of immersing the plants in a fatty substance, to capture the fragrances) and the Co2 extract.
The benefits of organic essential oils
Organic essential oils have many properties. These organic essential oils are presumed to have an impact on the circulatory and lymphatic system, the nervous, digestive or hormonal sphere. They can turn into antiseptics, antibacterials, antivirals, anti-inflammatory or fight against winter ailments with their expectorant and mucolytic properties, relieve muscle contractions and aches, relieve tension, evacuate stress and encourage letting go.
Whether organic or conventional, they are remarkable for their multi-use and unfailing versatility.
Essential oils irrigate the body with the blood, via the numerous venous passages at the level of the wrist or the bend of the elbow. On the skin, through the skin, organic essential oils can be applied provided they have been diluted in vegetable oil or aloe vera gel, see your classic moisturizer.
By respiratory tracts
You can inhale and exhilarate yourself with the vapors of organic essential oils above the bottle, or inhale their scents by placing a drop on a handkerchief. Enjoy the benefits of their scents through a diffuser, or pour the organic essential oil on a neutral base like a pebble and let it spread. You can also heat it in a dish, mix the organic oil with water in a glass ramekin above a heat source such as a candle or a radiator.
By equipping yourself with a diffuser (nebulization, ultrasound), the organic essential oil releases microparticles into the air. Spread in the atmosphere, they spray bad odors and revitalize the air by exhaling negative ions. You can use incense burners, however by heating organic essential oils, the active ingredients lose intensity.
Diffusion of organic essential oils:
- Take care of the rigorous selection of organic essential oils (allergy, contraindications).
- Appreciate organic essential oils suitable for diffusion (Bergamot, Lemon, Lemongrass, Eucalyptus radiata, Bourbon Geranium, Lavandin, Fine Lavender, Lemongrass, Mandarin, Peppermint, Myrtle, Neroli, Sweet Orange, Patchouli, Grapefruit, Palmarosa, Petit Grain Bigarade , Pine, Ravintsara, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang).
- Some are potentially aggressive for the respiratory mucosa, even neurotoxic diffused pure or over too long a period of time.
- Do not distribute in the presence of individuals under 7 years of age, pregnant or breastfeeding women, allergy sufferers.
- Do not stream in a closed room.
- Do not diffuse overnight.
- Keep bottles out of reach of children.
Wet inhalation
It consists of inhaling water vapor which contains essential oils. You can lean your head over a container of hot water while wrapping a towel around your head to breathe in a puff of steam. Do not exceed more than a quarter of an hour per inhalation.
Aromatic bath
Un autre usage privilégié des huiles essentielles bio est le bain aromatique. Il suffit de verser dans l'eau de votre baignoire quelques gouttes d’huile bio, mais pas directement, en amont il faut les mélanger sur une base neutre (miel, corps gras). Pour cette utilisation dans le bain, veillez à choisir des huiles essentielles bio non irritantes (on oublie celle de menthe poivrée par ex) respectez les dosages recommandés. Rappelez-vous que les huiles essentielles bio ne sont pas solubles, mélangez les à un émulsifiant avant de les faire couler dans votre bain (poudre de lait, un savon liquide ou un shampoing neutre) Ne pas dépasser la dose de 10 gouttes par bain et ne pas laisser infuser plus de vingt minutes.
Regarding the oral route, the ingestion of organic essential oils, caution is the key word because the oils are caustic, even after being diluted.
They can work wonders in the culinary field to season tasteless dishes and give relief. The oils then serve as natural flavorings (aromatic herbs, spices, citrus fruits) or the flowers. You must first check that the organic essential oils that you are about to incorporate into the dishes are edible. For therapeutic use, the ingestion of oils is rarely recommended. Ingestion must be done on medical prescription
Characteristics of organic essential oils?
Find our 100% natural and organic essential oils. These essential oils benefit from great transparency on their traceability, most of the growers are French, which is a guarantee of seriousness in the supply chain. We favor the made in France and the short circuits to encourage the development of the organic sector on our territory and to promote aromatherapy. Our essential oils are botanically and biochemically defined and organic, unless otherwise stated. Our organic oils will meet your aromatherapy needs, they will allow you to make your DIY cosmetic recipes at home. An organic essential oil is an active and powerful, volatile substance, extracted from a plant either by “cold extraction” or by distillation. They are natural plant substrates. The extraction takes place by collecting the roots, the leaves, the stems. Organic essential oils are highly concentrated and require precautions for use. They are not suitable for just any use and cannot be brushed in quantity on any part of the body, the doses must be respected to the letter.
Idolized, glorified by ancient civilizations and nowadays prized by certain doctors and therapists, essential oils agitate the scientific community and leave no one unmoved. By combining them, you can concoct tailor-made aromatic synergies whose benefits and properties are in line with your targeted needs, your problems: boosting immune defences, relaxing, regaining dynamism, fighting cellulite. Bet on essential oils from Organic Farming, from remote and remote lands in areas polluted by spreading. They are used in mixtures to spread into the atmosphere with diffusers, in cosmetic products (diluted with vegetable oils, vegetable butters, day creams), in massage treatments, in the bath, or even in the kitchen.
Organic essential oils mixed with each other mutually intensify their active ingredients. By combining them, you can multiply their effects and create a tenfold synergy, without exceeding 4 essential oils so as not to generate conflicts or antagonisms. For diffusion into the atmosphere, the blends compose unique fragrances.
What does 100% pure and natural and H.E.B.B.D. mean?
- A 100% pure and natural essential oil contains no traces other than those from the plant.
- Each organic essential oil comes from a defined and identified botanical typology. We use the term chemotyped.
- The means of extraction used are steam distillation or cold expression for the citrus fruit category.
How do we choose organic essential oils?
4 founding pillars the quality of our products
- The concentration of active ingredients
- The origin or the terroir (preference to French producers)
- The grower (know-how, rigor and professional ethics),
- Production methods (preference for renewable energies, virtuous practices such as permaculture).
The purchase price is secondary, relegated behind our quality requirements. The meticulous checks upon receipt, the laboratory tests, the quality controls, the storage method, the manufacturing techniques and the traceability of the raw materials form our quality chain. The price variations observed between essential oils are explained by the quantity necessary for production. The more the volume is consequent to manufacture 1 litre, the more the price will rise.
What are the organic essential oils to start in aromatherapy?
The plethoric choice in organic essential oils can make you lose your footing, this profusion of information is somewhat disconcerting when you are a novice. Florame guides and guides you to help you put together a selection of essential and essential organic oils. If you start looking for the essential oils that cover the most properties and that are adorned with the greatest number of virtues, here are the 5 to remember: tea tree, lemon, palmarosa, fine lavender and ravintsara.
- Tea tree essential oil: against fatigue, soothing, antibacterial, antifungal, healing, tonic, decongestant. Organic tea tree essential oil is indicated in cases of herpes, acne, dental problems, respiratory disorders, colds and flu, imperfect skin, skin infection, sore throat, dandruff, cuts.
- Lemon essential oil: fight against bacteriological proliferation, antiseptic, digestive disorders, tonic, anti nausea. It is recommended in cases of bloating, cold snap, flu, loss of energy, overweight, motion sickness.
- Palmarosa essential oil: fights against bacteria, antifungal, antiviral, euphoric. Skin and hair repairer. Regulator of sebum production, astringent and nourishing.
- Fine lavender essential oil: it's the product for everything! anti-inflammatory, analgesic, fight against the contraction of winter ailments, fluidifying, decongestant, muscle relaxant, seasonal anti depression, calms the nerves, rebalancing, mood, cardiotonic, skin restorative, insecticide.
- Ravintsara essential oil: ensures the strengthening of the immune system, anti-infections, fights bacteria, painkiller, antispasmodic, expectorant, neurotonic, positivating. It is indicated to cleanse the respiratory tract.
Organic essential oils, how do they work?
In order for them to deliver their benefits and become effective, organic essential oils must infiltrate the body (friction/massage, breathing, absorption). The blood circulation then allows them to reach the focus to be treated. When diffused in the air, the scents also target the limbic sphere of the brain, target olfactory receptors which arouse "emotions". The limbic system instructs the body to secrete immune substances and hormones.
In cosmetics or aromatherapy, organic essential oil penetrates the epidermis or soaks into the pulmonary alveoli to be present in the blood. It is because of its migration into the blood that the essential oil is often not recommended for pregnant women. It does not remain in the body and ends up being rejected.
- The common name and the Latin terminology of the plant: these indications make it possible to identify with precision the variety of the botanical species and makes it possible to avoid mixing the brushes confusions because certain denominations are similar as 2 drops water eg. Eucalyptus radiata, Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus
- The Chemotype (CT) of the plant: the biochemical components present in the vast majority or detectable in the organic essential oil, are the trademark a particular origin or soil of the plant.
- Geographical origin: depending on the territory, region, land, climatic conditions and altitude, the same plant produces species with different properties.
- The producing organ: the leaves, branches, bark, wood, flowering tops, roots produce essential oils that have different properties.
- The mention " 100% pure and natural" indicates that the oil is not altered or diluted, not deterpenated, or reconstituted.
- When it comes straight from Organic Farming, on its label must appear the name of the certification body.
- The AB labels (French) and the European logo sheet are only dedicated to foodstuffs.
- The batch number guarantees traceability.
- The BBD (best before date) must appear on the bottle.
- The manufacturer's contact details.
- The capacity of the bottle in ml.
- How to use it.
What do the hazard pictograms mean?
If organic oils are 100% natural, they are nevertheless considered as chemical substances.
This is why they are forced to comply with the CLP (Classification, Labeling and Packaging) regulation which lays down the European rules for classification, labeling and packaging.
Are excluded from this regulation, organic essential oils that fall into the category of foodstuffs (aroma or food supplement).
How to store organic essential oils?
Organic essential oils like classic oils can be kept for several years. Some improve with the passage of years (except those of citrus zest which we advise to keep for 2 years maximum). Do not position the bottles horizontally because the dropper can be in prolonged contact and be damaged. Organic essential oils have a shelf life that spans several years. As they are volatile, remember to screw the cap tightly and ensure that it is airtight to avoid the phenomenon of evaporation. Store them in a cool place away from direct sunlight.
Precautions for using essential oils
- Follow the dosages and methods of use indicated
- Do not administer to a subject whose age is less than 7 years
- Pregnancy and breast-feeding: no longer use during pregnancy. Some may have an abortive or milk-cutting action.
- Do not use it if you have a history of epilepsy or convulsions or have allergies.
- Do not inject intravenously or muscle.
- Allergy: It is strongly recommended to carry out a sensitization test, allergy test before use. The procedure: a drop of organic essential oil (diluted with a drop of vegetable oil) applied in the bend of the elbow. If your skin does not react after a period of 24 hours, no problem.
- Sun exposure: No tanning session, UV exposure in the hours following the application of a photo-sensitizing oil (Angelica, Bergamot, Lemon, Tarragon).
- Inadvertent absorption: In the event of an accident, ingest a pure vegetable oil (3 tablespoons of olive, sunflower). Do not drink water as they are not water soluble.
- Do not apply near eyes or mucous membranes.
- Eye splash: Tap on the eye with a cotton ball soaked in pure vegetable oil. Do not clean with water!
- They do not dissolve in water. If you dump them in the bath water, they float and may cause irritation or burns. They must be diluted beforehand.
- Avoid direct application pure on the skin. Some are dermo-caustic. Applied without being diluted, they can irritate or burn the dermis.
- Keep them out of the reach of children.