Our commitments to organic farming and respect for the natural environment | Florame

Our commitments

Organic farming and natural environment

A selection of unique Essential Oils, respectful of people and the environment. Florame has set itself the strictest criteria to select worldwide the purest and most natural essential oils. This requirement has led Florame since its creation to commit to the path of organic farming: an agriculture framed by strict specifications established between the farmer and the certifying company (Ecocert). Florame guarantees you a perfect traceability, from the producer to the finished product. The Cosmebio and AB labels guarantee this commitment.

To garantee you the best quality

Strictly controlled Essential Oils.

In order to guarantee you the best quality, Florame has systematized many controls, at each stage of production. Our laboratory's tests guarantee that our Essential oils are:


Uncut with other
essentiel oils

Organic Botanically


by Ecocert


Not subjet to any treatment
that might eliminate organic molecules

and Biochemically

Defined (HEBBD)

Respect people and the environment

A commitment to fair trade.

Because there is no respect for the environment without respect for men, Florame has forged close ties with a hundred small producers, half of them in France. Partnership and equity are the key words of this approach:

Evidenced by the project "Florame-Madagascar" which harmoniously combines the ethical commitment and the establishment of a source of production of high quality Essential Oils.

Florame is a pioneering company in this field. Step by step, we embarked on a crossroads: an alternative economic model that has already proven itself. Conquering but respectful of the land and men who cultivate its wealth, it is quite naturally that Florame engaged in Madagascar in 2008 in a project that is at the crossroads of ethical trade and sustainable development.

The project was ambitious and in agriculture, patience is counted in years.

To transform wild cultures into organic crops in Mantasoa and Nosy Be, the two production sites of organic Essential Oils, it was necessary to respect the natural cycles of plants and local farmers.

It was necessary to clear, plant, harvest ... but the reward is up to the work accomplished.

Today, organic Niaouli, Geranium and Ylang-ylang come from our partner farm. Tomorrow, when the plants will reached maturity, Ravintsara and Eucalyptus will be distilled.

Florame continues to believe that some distant dreams come true.

It's up to you to give us reason!

A commitment to respect the environment

Florame is commited everyday to respect the natural resources and their renewal:

Environmentally friendly raw materials

Recyclable packaging

Imprim'Vert certified printers
